Dr Rohit Kiran Cherukuri


24/7 Emergency Phone

Tips to Reduce The Risk of Neurological Birth Defects in Pregnant Women

Catagory: Neurodevelopmental disorders Author: Dr Rohit Kiran Cherukuri
pregnant women

Each and every woman hopes to have a healthy pregnancy and child. Every woman might perhaps dream of experiencing the joy of motherhood. However, expecting moms could be concerned about the baby’s welfare. Taking good care of your body and mind is even more important while you are pregnant. This may make pregnant women feel more stressed. However, if you adhere to a few simple  recommendations, you can have a stress-free pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby: 

Go see a doctor as soon as you can: 

Good prenatal care is essential for both you and your developing child. So make your first prenatal visit by calling your doctor straight immediately. 

The advantages of having a prenatal checkup include the following: 

  • Right away, you’ll get insightful guidance for a safe pregnancy. 
  • You will have enough time to undergo any required ultrasound examinations or testing. • A particular health problem that needs more attention or might cause consequences can be tested for by the doctor. 
  • Select a physician who ideally has a hospital or clinic close to your residence. It’s a good idea to have their cell phone number with you in case you need to swiftly get in touch with them in an emergency. 

Eat a balanced diet

Make an effort to eat a balanced, healthful diet. Consuming the following is included in this. 

  • Daily consumption of five servings or more of fruits and vegetables 
  • Eat starchy carbs such as pasta, bread, and rice. You should consume somewhat more than one-third of your diet as carbohydrates. To ensure that you receive adequate fiber, choose whole-grain kinds rather than white ones. 
  • In comparison to a healthy woman, a pregnant woman needs 2400 calories per day along with a variety of vitamins and minerals. 
  • Omega-3 fatty acids may also be found in other foods including nuts, seeds, soy products,  and green leafy vegetables if you don’t like fish or are a vegetarian. 

Be mindful of food hygiene 

Food safety is of utmost importance when pregnant. Keep a watchful eye on your food intake.  Certain foods should not be consumed while pregnant. This is due to the possibility that they carry germs or parasites, which might endanger the health of your kid.

Maintain high iron levels

The greatest rate of iron deficiency anemia is seen among female Indian citizens. This indicates that many women in our nation are iron deficient before having children. This is because hemoglobin is made with iron. Red blood cells have the protein hemoglobin, which supplies oxygen to different human organs and tissues. 

To keep your iron levels healthy, consume a lot of iron-rich foods and any supplements your doctor may have suggested. Sadly, vegetarian diets often include little iron. So it’s crucial to monitor your iron consumption if you’re a vegetarian. 

Taking prenatal vitamins 

For the first three months of pregnancy, you must take a folic acid supplement. Taking folic acid may lower the chance that the baby will be born with neural tube abnormalities like spina bifida. Then,  starting in the second trimester, you must take a calcium supplement with added vitamin D and an iron supplement every day. The growth of your baby’s bone marrow and the maintenance of strong bones in the future depends on vitamin D. 

Consult your doctor about taking supplements if you believe your diet isn’t providing enough omega-3s. 

Regular exercise 

  • You will benefit much from exercise, and your child will as well. The following are the advantages of mild exercise: 
  • It aids in adjusting to postural changes and joint stress during pregnancy. • Gaining weight when pregnant is typical. But consistent exercise supports maintaining a  healthy weight. 
  • helps safeguard you against problems like high blood pressure throughout pregnancy. • increases the likelihood of a straightforward delivery. 
  • enables you to return to your prior shape more easily after giving birth to your child. • It may help lift your spirits if you’re down. 

Do not over- or under-exert yourself. Additionally, you shouldn’t feel thirsty and your body temperature shouldn’t increase much. Do not forget that every individual and every pregnancy are unique. Before beginning or continuing any kind of exercise, get a doctor’s okay. 

Take the necessary rest since the high levels of pregnancy hormones circulating in your body are the cause of the fatigue you experience in the first few months of pregnancy. I’m hoping these pointers will be beneficial to you and keep you and your unborn child safe from any problems while you’re pregnant. If you have any worries, speak with a doctor right away.