Dr Rohit Kiran Cherukuri


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Witnessing Your Child Having a Fit or Seizure Can Be a Terrifying Experience for Any Parent

Catagory: Parents    Author: Dr Rohit Kiran Cherukuri

When the brain encounters aberrant electrical activity, a seizure happens. This can result in a range of physical symptoms, including convulsions, loss of consciousness, and changes in behavior. If your child has a fit, it’s important to stay calm and take the appropriate steps to ensure their safety. Here’s what to do when a child has fits.

  1. Keep your child safe

The first priority when your child has a fit is to keep them safe. Move them away from any dangerous objects or environments, such as sharp objects, hot surfaces, or bodies of water. If your child is having a convulsive fit, try to cushion their head with a soft object such as a pillow, coat, or towel.

  1. Time the seizure

It’s important to time the seizure so that you can inform medical professionals how long it lasted. The duration of a seizure can help doctors determine what type of seizure your child had and how best to treat it. Use a stopwatch or a clock with a second hand to time the seizure. Note the time the seizure starts and the time it ends.

  1. Stay calm

Seeing your child having a seizure can be overwhelming and distressing. However, it’s important to remain calm so that you can think clearly and take the appropriate steps to help your child. Remind yourself that most seizures are not life-threatening and that your child will likely recover quickly.

  1. Do not restrain your child

It can be tempting to hold your child down or try to stop the seizure from happening. However, this can be dangerous and can potentially cause injury to your child. It’s best to let the seizure run its course and provide support as needed.

  1. Nothing should be placed in your child’s mouth.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to put anything in your child’s mouth during a seizure. This includes your fingers, a spoon, or any other object. Putting something in your child’s mouth can cause injury to their mouth or teeth, and it can also cause them to choke.

  1. Turn your child onto their side

If your child is having a convulsive seizure, turn them onto their side. This can help prevent them from choking on saliva or vomit. You can also place a small pillow or rolled-up towel behind their back to help keep them in this position.

  1. Call for medical help

If your child’s seizure lasts longer than five minutes, or if they have trouble breathing, it’s important to call for medical help. In some cases, seizures can be life-threatening, so it’s always better to err on the side of caution. If you’re unsure whether to call for medical help, it’s best to call anyway.

  1. After the seizure

After the seizure has ended, your child may be confused, tired, or disoriented. It’s important to stay with them and provide reassurance. Let them rest for a while, and avoid overstimulating them with noise or bright lights. If your child is unresponsive or having trouble breathing, call for medical help immediately.

  1. Follow up with your doctor

It’s important to follow up with your doctor after your child has had a seizure. Your doctor may want to perform tests to determine the underlying cause of the seizure. They may also prescribe medication to help prevent future seizures. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions and keep any follow-up appointments.

In conclusion, witnessing your child having a fit or seizure can be a distressing experience for any parent. However, it’s important to stay calm and take the appropriate steps to ensure your child’s safety. Remember to keep your child safe, time the seizure, stay calm, do not restrain your child, nothing should be placed in your child’s mouth, turn your child onto their side, call for medical help and after the seizure follows up with your doctor.