Dr Rohit Kiran Cherukuri


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Do My Child Have Flat Head? How Can I Prevent It?

Catagory: General Pediatrician    Author: Dr Rohit Kiran Cherukuri

The development of an abnormal flatness on the side or rear of your baby’s head is referred to as having a flat head. When there are a number of causes for flatness on the back of your child’s head, the majority of occurrences of flatness on the sides of your child’s head are connected to the baby’s posture while sleeping.

Depending on the degree and location of your baby’s skull, this may also be referred to as positional plagiocephaly or positional molding.

How can you tell if your child has a flathead? How do you stop it from happening before it’s too late?

Let’s first define flathead syndrome in detail and examine its causes.

What is flathead syndrome or plagiocephaly?

Pressure on the back of your baby’s head may cause plagiocephaly, commonly known as flat head syndrome, which results in the skull being flattened. This may be brought on by a number of things, including nursing, tummy time, birth trauma, and sleeping positions.

What symptoms and indicators are associated with a flathead?

When a baby snoozes for an extended period of time in one posture, flat head syndrome may develop.

By touching your baby’s head, you can determine whether they suffer from flathead syndrome. The newborn may have this problem if there feels to be a flat area on one side of their head.

If you see a circular depression on one side of the baby’s forehead, it is another indication of flathead syndrome.

Due to pressure on the skull, babies with this illness may also feel some discomfort and suffering. However, there are methods for parents to shield their kid from developing flathead syndrome!

Why does my infant’s skull have a flat spot?

The safest location for your infant to sleep during the first six months of their life is in a crib adjacent to your bedroom, lying on their back. Babies are less likely to die from SIDS if they sleep on their backs (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). This implies that newborns under a year old who seem to be generally healthy sometimes pass away suddenly while they are asleep. There will be no way to know what caused the death.

Skulls of infants are brittle. Additionally, the muscles in their necks are not very strong. Babies often turn their heads to one side when put on their backs. Because of this, your baby’s head may seem flat at delivery. Flat head is the term for this (or positional plagiocephaly).

This could disappear on its own. Even while more extreme flattening may never completely disappear, a baby’s brain growth won’t be hampered by this.

What can I do to stop my child from growing a flat head?

Technique 1: Make sure your kid gets enough of tummy time as your first and foremost action. The infant may strengthen the head muscles and give the skull more room to develop by being placed on its tummy for approximately an hour each day. When your baby is awake, try sometimes tilting his or her head to the side to prevent them from gazing straight ahead all the time.

Technique 2: Try putting several toys in front of him or her to get them to reach out with both hands. Avoid laying them down before they are ready and let them play with their feet while resting on their back (put them in bouncy seats, swings, and car seats when they need a break).

Technique 3 – To provide newborns more support as they sleep, think about utilising a soft, firm pillow designed just for babies. And if you’re nursing, be mindful that regular periods of increased pressure might cause your child’s head to become flat if he or she eats throughout the day and night.

When should I think about consulting a pediatrician?

If your baby looks to be developing flat head syndrome, it’s never a bad idea to take them to the doctor. An examination will be helpful to ensure that your baby doesn’t have craniosynostosis, which is brought on by a genetic flaw that prevents the skull bones from properly fusing.

Your child’s growth and development may be tracked by your physician, who can also provide you with the necessary guidance to turn things around. Make an appointment with us now to get a thorough evaluation of your child’s health.